Research Group in in Psychology and Christian Spiritual Life

In memory of our university professor Joan Baptista Torelló (Barcelona, Nov. 7, 1920-Vienna, Aug. 15, 2011), the Department of Spiritual Theology of the Faculty of Theology promotes a Research Group in Psychology and Christian Spiritual Life named after him.

The "Joan Baptista Torelló" Center aims to develop research in the field of psychological formation, from the perspective of the interdisciplinary relationship between Psychology and Theology.

With Christian anthropological foundations, the participants in the work aspire to deepen their understanding of a clear psychology, open to transcendence and the meaning of life. In this way, the aim is to contribute to a better comprehension of the human being as a whole, so that those involved in Christian formation, spiritual accompaniment, vocational discernment, etc., will have adequate theoretical and practical tools at their disposal.

This is based on the conviction that such knowledge facilitates the attainment of a peaceful and joyful Christian life and, at the same time, helps to prevent and heal psychological suffering.

The main objectives are the development of training tools, bibliography and courses in this field, together with the organization of conferences, expert meetings and seminars. This will also deepen the thought and legacy of Joan Baptista Torelló.

The Center makes the results of its research available to the academic community, and disseminates them through its website:

The Center interacts with the University's other research and training entities, such as the Center for Priestly Formation and the Relational Ontology Research Group, from a transdisciplinary perspective.

The main promoters are professors from the Faculty of Theology: Rev. Prof. Wenceslao Vial; Rev. Prof. Francisco Insa; Rev. Prof. Giulio Maspero.


In evidenza

Mercoledì 18 gennaio 2017, la Facoltà di Teologia ha celebrato la Festa accademica del Patrono San Tommaso d'Aquino.

Dopo la Santa Messa nella Basilica di Sant'Apollinare, presieduta dal decano rev. prof. Philip Goyret, il rev. prof. Santiago Sanz, della stessa Facoltà, ha tenuto la lezione San Tommaso del Creatore (Chesterton). Le ragioni e l'attualità di un appellativo.

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