School of Canon Law

Diritto Canonico

The School of Canon Law strives to prepare canonists with a deep theoretical and practical knowledge of Church law, which helps them develop legal skills with pastoral sensibility, while meeting the practical demands of legal praxis among God's people.

English brochure

Teaching follows a systematic method. It attempts to integrate the many juridical institutions emerging from the study of the Church’s Law within the diverse branches of canonical science. All this, in conformity with the Church’s vision of herself as expressed in the Second Vatican Council.

The program’s realist perspective helps the student to appreciate the dimension of justice that belongs to the salvific goods of the Church even prior to their reception in positive law.  This metaphysical realism offers a much richer viewpoint than the old positivistic outlook, which still influences some currents of canonical thought.  Students learn to seek justice while exercising legal prudence in fidelity to sound ecclesiastical tradition.
The program integrates theoretical study with courses on legal praxis.

The School has a large number of permanent professors as well as many prestigious visiting professors from the Roman Curia and from all over the world.

The School’s research and teaching are enriched by the staff’s experience in various dicasteries of the Holy See and in the Tribunals of the Vicariate of Rome. Close links to and regular academic collaboration with colleagues from other universities of Rome and of other countries also enrich the School, along with the theological research and collaboration of the School of Theology.



In evidenza

On Saturday, Feb. 25, 2023, in the Vatican’s Paul VI Audience Hall, the Holy Father Pope Francis will be welcoming an audience of the academic pontifical university and institutional communities present in Rome, made up of about 16,000 students from 120 countries on five continents.

The event, whose theme will be "Forming Ourselves Together to Evangelize," is promoted by the Conference of Rectors of Roman Pontifical Universities and Institutions (CRUIPRO)—of which Rev. Luis Navarro, Rector of the Pontifical University of the Holy Cross, is president—as well as by the association that brings together student representatives from the 22 institutions involved.

Organized by the Schools of Canon Law and Theology, the ​Study Week​ ​on Spiritual Accompaniment in Movements and New Communities ("Aiding human and supernatural growth") took place from 30 January to 3 February 2023.

The activity was aimed at members of ecclesial movements and new communities involved in the spiritual accompaniment of the faithful, to reflect on the possibilities, challenges and issues related to it, in general and specifically within these ecclesial realities.

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Dal 13 febbraio al 22 maggio 2023, ogni lunedì (esclusi il 3 e 10 aprile e il 1° maggio), dalle ore 15 alle ore 16.40, le Facoltà di Teologia e Diritto Canonico organizzano il Corso opzionale (4 ECTS) Movimenti ecclesiali: una realtà in cammino. Il servizio del diritto ecclesiale.

L'attività è divisa in due parti: fondamenti teologici e magisteriali (identità, caratteristiche specifiche, missione, relazione dei movimenti con le Chiese particolari) e taglio giuridico (configurazione canonica dei movimenti, condizione giuridica dei membri, governo e formazione, prevenzione e correzione di abusi).

Dichiarazione del Rettore Magnifico, rev. Luis Navarro: "Come Pontificia Università della Santa Croce ci uniamo di cuore alla preghiera del Santo Padre e di tutti i cattolici per la scomparsa di Benedetto XVI.

L’annuncio di Papa Francesco al termine dell’udienza di mercoledì scorso ci ha aiutato a prepararci per questo momento di dolore, vissuto con quella serenità e quella pace che combaciano con la personalità del Papa emerito.

La sua saggezza, unita alla cortesia manifestata con tutti, gli hanno meritato il rispetto e l’amore sia dei cattolici che di molte altre persone. 

Penso che il suo contributo come pensatore e come teologo verrà sempre più valorizzato nel tempo. Sono molti i motivi per essergli grati, in particolare nelle nostre Università pontificie.

Benedetto XVI riposi in pace nell’abbraccio eterno del Padre".


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