The School of Canon Law is currently involved in the following research projects:
Centro di Studi Giuridici sulla Famiglia
La finalità primaria del Centro è contribuire, mediante gli studi giuridici e la ricerca interdisciplinare, alla sensibilizzazione della società ecclesiale e civile nei confronti della cura del matrimonio e della famiglia. A tal fine esso intende porre al servizio di tali realtà l'esperienza scientifica dei docenti universitari e dei ricercatori della Facoltà di Diritto Canonico e delle altre Facoltà dell’Università, nonché di docenti, ricercatori e studiosi di altre istituzioni ecclesiastiche e civili.
Codex – Normative Updating
Gathers all the updates to the Code of Canon Law, and the principal norms of the Universal Church and specific norms for Italy. It is edited by professors in the School.
The School staff maintains an archive of documents and scientific contributions to ecclesiastical law, canon law and human rights (especially religious freedom and related subjects). The purpose of this collaboration is to make broadly available useful material for scientific dialogue and research, including documentary resources and personal contributions.
Interdisciplinary Research Group CASEAn international, interdisciplinary research group in topics related to the administration and sustenance of the Catholic Church. The intention is to encourage and, whenever possible, coordinate research efforts on the subject. The focal point of the North-American ecclesiastic experience, associated with sustenance and administration, is the concept of “stewardship”. The initiative arises from the attempt to adapt this knowledge and these practices in the European reality.