Conference of the School of Canon Law on "Criminal Justice in the Church," on April 10th and 11th

On April 10th and 11th, 2024 (at 8:45 am, in the Aula Magna Giovanni Paolo II), the 28th Study Conference of the School of Canon Law was held on the theme Criminal Justice in the Church: Victim Protection and Defendant Guarantees.
During the conference, truly pivotal themes were addressed, such as the presumption of innocence, the status of the victim in canonical criminal proceedings, and the concept of due process of law applied to the canonical sphere. On the other hand, apparently "peripheral" topics were also studied, including the capacity of the defendant, cognitive biases, the effect of state penal judgments in canonical law, precautionary measures, and moral certainty in cases of a single witness.
Aware of the mutual enrichment between canon law and state law, some of the presentations were entrusted to well-known experts in procedural and criminal state law.
The conference concluded with a roundtable discussion among various experts on the relationship between confidentiality and transparency in criminal justice. In an effort to encourage reflection and exchange, the opportunity to present communications was also provided.