Approved the new institutional motto of the University: "Omnes traham ad meipsum"

On the occasion of the 40th anniversary of our University, the Academic Community, in its various expressions, expressed the desire to identify a new institutional motto that would adequately reflect the mission and vision of the Holy Cross.
In May 2024, several proposals were presented within the Academic Senate. Subsequently, in a spirit of openness, all teaching and non-teaching staff, as well as students, were invited to express their preference through a digital form. Following this consultation and considering the preferences received, the following definitive proposal was approved: Omnes traham ad meipsum.
The words "Omnes traham ad meipsum" are found in the Gospel of John (12:32), as spoken by Jesus Himself: “And I, when I am lifted up from the earth, will draw all people to myself.” Jesus Christ, as Pope Francis reminds us, “descended to us to lift us up to the Father; He descended low to raise us high” (Homily, May 9, 2024). Christ, who lifts us all to heaven, is the same one who was lifted up on the wood of the Cross.
While celebrating Mass on August 7, 1931, at the moment of consecration, as he elevated the Eucharist, St. Josemaría Escrivá de Balaguer felt “with extraordinary force and clarity” the words of Scripture: “et si exaltatus fuero a terra, omnia traham ad me ipsum” (John 12:32). He later wrote: “And I understood that it would be men and women of God who would lift the Cross with the doctrine of Christ to the summit of all human activities... And I saw the Lord triumph and draw all things to Himself” (Apuntes íntimos, nos. 217-218). A detailed study on the significance of this episode can be found in Romana no. 13 (1991).
In his speech at Fatima on August 5, 2023, Pope Francis also referred to the Church as a home for “everyone, everyone, everyone,” omnes in Latin.
Our University bears the Cross in its name and represents it in its emblem. This motto is in continuity with both and seeks to remind everyone of the core mission of the Holy Cross.