Conference on "Sacred Buildings and Artists: Assessments and Prospects", February 13-14, 2025

On Thursday, February 13th (at the Gregorian University), and Friday, February 14th, 2025, (at the University of the Holy Cross) the International Conference entitled "Sacred Buildings and Artists: Assessments and Prospects" took place, marking the 25th anniversary of the first Jubilee of Artists. Organized by the Institute of Liturgy of the University of the Holy Cross, in collaboration with the Pontifical Gregorian University and with the patronage of the Dicastery for Evangelization, the event aimed to reflect on how the invitation of Pope Saint John Paul II, aimed at renewing the alliance between the Church and artists, expressed in the Letter to Artists of April 4, 1999, has been understood, received, and embraced. An invitation that echoes the call already made by Pope Saint Paul VI in the Homily delivered during the Mass of Artists on May 7, 1964, and that finds continuity in his Successors, Benedict XVI (Address, November 21, 2009) and Francis (Address, June 23, 2023).
The theme of the sacred building has been chosen as the most suitable tool for conducting this analysis, as it is the best synthesis and paradigm of the fruitfulness of this centuries-old alliance. Its presence in every corner of the Orbis christianus is able to materially represent the relationship between Artists and the Universal Church, thus fully integrating into the spirit of the Jubilee, capable of embracing all the People of God, nations, and diverse cultures.
The Conference aims to reflect (Assessments) on how artists (architects, painters, sculptors, etc.) have responded when called upon to engage with liturgical art, in the creation of architecture, art, and both movable and immovable furnishings for worship. At the same time, it seeks to open a window onto the future of sacred art (Prospects), taking into account the need for 'a sound tradition and legitimate progress' (Second Vatican Council, Constitution Sacrosanctum Concilium, 23), in the belief that 'tradition is a living reality and thus includes within itself the principle of development' (Benedict XVI, Address, May 6, 2011).
Abstract ENGLISH | Abstract ITALIANO | Abstract ESPAÑOL |
Intevention T. O'Malley ENGLISH | Relazione T. O'Malley ITALIANO |
Press release of December 18, 2024
Attendance at the conference is free.
Fernando López Arias (Pontifical University of the Holy Cross), Ottavio Bucarelli (Pontifical Gregorian University), Juan Rego Bárcena (Pontifical University of the Holy Cross), Ilaria Fiumi Sermattei (Pontifical Gregorian University), Maria Vittoria Marini Clarelli (Ministry of Culture), Manuela Gianandrea (Sapienza University of Rome), Ruggero Martines (Former Ministry of Culture/Pontifical Gregorian University)