POSTPONED-Adam Smith & Thomas Malthus The Wealth and Poverty of Nations
The upcoming MCE Research Centre seminar, Adam Smith and Thomas Malthus: The Wealth and Poverty of Nations, will be held on May 14th at 3:00 PM as a webinar on Zoom. To access the webinar, please click here
The webinar will be a presentation of the basic views of economists Adam Smith and Thomas Malthus regarding economic progress, population growth and poverty. It will be followed by a debate between Michael Severance of the Acton Institute and Mark Hanssen of MCE meant to illuminate how Smith's optimism and Malthus' pessimism regarding capitalism's alleviation of poverty are replicated even today in perspectives on international development, population control and epidemic diseases such as COVID-19, leading to very different approaches to policy.
Join us on Zoom on May 14th at 3:00 PM: