School of Church Communications

Comunicazione Istituzionale

The Pontifical University of the Holy Cross established the School of Church Communications in 1996 to prepare communication professionals for ecclesial institutions. 

Patroness     Flyer     Professional Seminar January 22-24, 2025

The School’s program offers students solid, systematic courses in four key areas:

  • The nature of communication and the elements upon which it is based. This includes the processes of shaping public opinion, the structure of information-based entities and the language of the traditional means of communication (radio, tv, press), as well as the new technology-based media.
  • The Church in cultural context. The Church presents its message and incarnates the faith in an ongoing dialogue with men, women and cultures. This area investigates of how Christianity has developed and expressed its message over the centuries, transforming it into a catalyst of cultural change.
  • The theological, philosophical and canonical content of the faith and its impact on the identity of the Church as an Institution.
  • The application of these theories, practices and communication techniques to institutions of the Church, bearing in mind their particular identity. Special emphasis is given to how communication offices are organized, methods of communicating with the various interlocutors of the Church and the presentation of the content of the faith in the field of public opinion.

In evidenza

On Tuesday, Dec. 13, 2022 (11:15 a.m., Aula Magna "John Paul II"), with the participation of the Secretary General of the Synod of Bishops, Cardinal Mario Grech, there was a presentation of the book A Church in Dialogue: The Art and Science of Church Communication (Edizioni Santa Croce, edited by Gema Bellido).

The book was written on the occasion of the twenty-fifth anniversary of the Faculty of Institutional Communication and is intended to be a collective reflection on people, themes and events of the last years of the 20th century and the beginning of the current one, which can teach a lot about Church communication and the Church.

Some of the authors spoked at the event, streamed at the following link:

For the sixth year, the University adheres to the Joint Diploma in Integral Ecology, the initiative shared between the Universities and the Pontifical Athenaeums of Rome based on the message of the Encyclical of Pope Francis Laudato si'.

The Diploma will be developed in six modules, corresponding to the six chapters of the Encyclical, divided into two lessons of two hours each.

It will be offered to students of pontifical universities as well as members of religious orders, priests, catechists, and pastoral workers who have completed a Bachelor or a High School degree.



On Monday, October 3, 2022, the Inauguration Ceremony opening the 2022-23 academic year took place.

The traditional votive Mass of the Holy Spirit was held in Sant'Apollinare Basilica, presided by the Grand Chancellor of the University, Mons. Fernando Ocáriz, and con-celebrated by clergy from the different schools.

In Aula Magna 'Giovanni Paolo II', the Solemn Academic Act took place.

Inaugurazione dell'anno accademico 2022-2023

September 12-17, 2022

The Church Up Close (VIII Edition)
School of Church Communication


More information

The Church Up Close (VIII Edition): "Covering Catholicism in the Age of Francis"


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