School of Church Communications

Comunicazione Istituzionale

The Pontifical University of the Holy Cross established the School of Church Communications in 1996 to prepare communication professionals for ecclesial institutions. 

Patroness     Flyer     Professional Seminar January 22-24, 2025

The School’s program offers students solid, systematic courses in four key areas:

  • The nature of communication and the elements upon which it is based. This includes the processes of shaping public opinion, the structure of information-based entities and the language of the traditional means of communication (radio, tv, press), as well as the new technology-based media.
  • The Church in cultural context. The Church presents its message and incarnates the faith in an ongoing dialogue with men, women and cultures. This area investigates of how Christianity has developed and expressed its message over the centuries, transforming it into a catalyst of cultural change.
  • The theological, philosophical and canonical content of the faith and its impact on the identity of the Church as an Institution.
  • The application of these theories, practices and communication techniques to institutions of the Church, bearing in mind their particular identity. Special emphasis is given to how communication offices are organized, methods of communicating with the various interlocutors of the Church and the presentation of the content of the faith in the field of public opinion.

In evidenza

Academic celebration of St. Catherine of Siena, Patroness of the School

Monday April 29, 2019


8:45        Lessons

11:30       Holy Mass Basilica of S. Apollinare

12:30      Aperitif

In view of the Beatification - on May 18, 2019 - of the Venerable Guadalupe Ortiz de Landázuri, the first faithful lay person of Opus Dei to be raised to the altars, on Tuesday, April 30, 2019 (4:00 pm, Aula Magna "John Paul II") the University hosted a reflection on lay holiness.

In the presence of the Prelate of Opus Dei and Grand Chancellor of the University, Msgr. Fernando Ocáriz, in addition to the Spanish Venerable, the figures of Chiara Luce Badano, Carlo Acutis, Enrique Shaw, Chiara Corbella, Marta Obregón and Angelica Tiraboschi was investigated.


A group of University students, with the collaboration of the Alumni Association, is carrying out a volunteer activity in favor of the elderly, giving a few hours of their time to those who often find themselves in solitude.

The next appointment is for Saturday, June 8, 2019, at 10 am, at the Casa di Riposo Santa Francesca Romana in Rome (Vicolo di Santa Maria in Cappella).

Those interested in participating can send an email volontariato.santacroce [at] (to this address).

On Thursday, April 11, 2019 (8.45 am, Classroom "Álvaro del Portillo"), on the initiative of the Poetics & Christianity Research Group, a Day of Study on "Rome and faith that helps us to be human. Chesterton's Christian humanism" took place.

More information

Roma e la fede che ci aiuta a essere umani. L’umanesimo cristiano di Chesterton


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