


7th Renewal Course of
Marriage Law and
Canonical Procedure

Rome, September 16-20, 2019



Monday, 16 September

Morning Session

8:45 Reception of Participants
10:00 Rector’s Greeting
10:10 Introduction by the Dean of the Faculty of Canon Law
10:20 Presentation of the Course
His Eminence Dominique Cardinal Mamberti, Prefect of the Supreme Tribunal of the Apostolic Signatura

10:45 Break

11:15 The Principles of the Marriage Nullity Process
Prof. Massimo Del Pozzo, Pontifical University of the Holy Cross

12:30 Lunch Break

Afternoon Session

15:30 Titles of Competence and the Criteria of Proximity to the Faithful
Msgr. Davide Salvatori, Prelate Auditor of the Apostolic Tribunal of the Roman Rota

17:00 Break

17:30 Practical Case on the Identification of Titles of Competence
Italian: Msgr. Davide Salvatori, Prelate Auditor of the Tribunal of the Roman Rota
Spanish: Prof. José Tomás Martín de Agar, Pontifical University of the Holy Cross
English: Prof. Ernest Okonkwo, Pontifical Urban University


Tuesday, 17 September

Morning Session

9:00 Narcissistic Personality Disorder as a Cause of Simulation or Incapacity
Prof. Marco Quintiliani, Psychiatrist

10:30 Break

11:00 The Duality and Complementarity of Man and Woman as the Foundation of Marriage
Prof. Antonio Malo, Pontifical University of the Holy Cross

12:30 Lunch Break

Afternoon Session

15:30 Challenging the Sentence
Msgr. Paolo Bianchi, Judicial Vicar of the Regional Ecclesiastical Tribunal of Lombardy

17:00 Break

17:30 Practical Case on Challenging the Sentence
Italian: Msgr. Paolo Bianchi, Judicial Vicar of the Regional Ecclesiastical Tribunal of Lombardy
Spanish: Prof. José Tomás Martín de Agar, Pontifical University of the Holy Cross
English: Prof. Ernest Okonkwo, Pontifical Urban University


Wednesday, 18 September

Morning (free)

Participation at the Audience in St. Peter’s Square

Afternoon Session

15:30 Affective Immaturity
Prof. Giacomo Bertolini, University of Padua

17:00 Break

17:30 Practical Case on Affective Immaturity
Italian: Prof. Giacomo Bertolini, University of Padua
Spanish: Prof. Álvaro González Alonso, Pontifical University of the Holy Cross
English: Prof. Pablo Gefaell, Pontifical University of the Holy Cross


Thursday, 19 September

Morning Session

9:00 Error Qualitatis and Implicit Condition
Prof. Andrea D’Auria, Pontifical Urban University

10:30 Break

11:00 The Role of the Judicial Vicar
Msgr. Massimo Mingardi, Judicial Vicar of the Ecclesisatical Tribunal of Flaminio

12:30 Lunch Break

Afternoon Session

15:30 The Exclusion of Children
Prof. Francesco Catozzella, Pontifical Lateran University

17:00 Break

17:30 Practical Case on the Exclusion of Children
Italian: Prof. Francesco Catozzella, Pontifical Lateran University
Spanish: Prof. Montserrat Gas-Aixendri, International University of Catalonia
English: Prof. Benedict Ejeh, Faculty S. Pio X - Venice


Friday, 20 September

Morning Session

9:00 The relationship between Incapacity and Exclusion in Nullity causes
Prof. Héctor Franceschi, Pontifical University of the Holy Cross

10:30 Break

11:00 Practical Case on the Boundary Between Incapacity and Simulation
Italian: Prof. Héctor Franceschi, Pontifical University of the Holy Cross
Spanish: Prof. Álvaro González Alonso, Pontifical University of the Holy Cross
English: Prof. Benedict Ejeh, Faculty S. Pio X - Venice

12:30 Lunch Break

Afternoon Session

15:30 Mercy and Justice. Chapter VIII of “Amoris laetitia”
Prof. Miguel A. Ortiz, Pontifical University of the Holy Cross

16:45 Break

17:15 The Anthropological Foundations of the Indissolubility of Marriage
Prof. Carlos J. Errázuriz M., Pontifical University of the Holy Cross

18:30 Conclusions

19:00 Closing Buffet


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