Vita Universitaria


Vita Universitaria è uno spazio destinato a sostenere attività extra accademiche promosse dagli studenti all’interno della Pontificia Università della Santa Croce.

Da quando Vita Universitaria è nata, nel 2022, gli studenti hanno promosso iniziative di varia tipologia: attività di volontariato, conferenze, concerti, presentazione di libri, visite culturali guidate, seminari, eventi sportivi.

Le proposte partono dagli studenti e dai loro rappresentanti, che possono richiedere supporto vitauniversitaria [at] (questo indirizzo mail).

vitauniversitaria [at] (Contatti)


Vita Universitaria

Thursday, May 16, 2024 (at 2:30 PM, Benedetto XVI Hall), as part of University Life, an event titled "Philosophy of War and Geohistory of Conflict Logics - An Interdisciplinary Journey" has been organized.
Moderated by Prof. Antonio Petagine, the event included discussions on the topic by Prof. Giampaolo Conte from the University of Roma Tre and Prof. Benedetto Ippolito from the University of the Holy Cross. Poster
On Wednesday, May 15, 2024, a day dedicated to blood donation was organized as part of University Life activities and in collaboration with Ema-Roma.
The initiative was aimed at students and teaching and non-teaching staff of Santa Croce. The blood collected was delivered by Ema-Roma to the city hospitals San Filippo Neri and Santo Spirito. Poster
On Wednesday, March 20, 2024, (in the Álvaro del Portillo lecture hall), as part of the University Life activities, the presentation of the book Tarsicio and the Lions, published by Alexia Editorial and written by Ramón Díaz Perfecto, a student of the School of Theology at our university, took place.
In order to support direct student involvement in university and library activities, two projects have been proposed and implemented with their contribution, which are outlined below. 1. A video aimed at promoting certain library services dedicated to doctoral students, illustrated by those who utilize them on a daily basis.
  2. A podcast where students express their opinions on the importance of music in life and in different cultures. A way to offer food for thought and open a discussion in anticipation of the upcoming Study Day
In the context of University Life activities, on November 30, 2023, a guided tour was organized to the Venerable English College, the oldest British institution outside the country. A group of students from the Pontifical University of the Holy Cross participated in the visit (pictured). The palace, dating back to the late sixteenth century, is located at 45 Via di Monserrato, just a short walk from our Library.
This event also provided an opportunity to learn about the history of the 44 priest martyrs who studied at this College and were martyred in England and Wales between 1581 and 1678
On Thursday, April 13, 2023, upon the conclusion of the Liturgical Sacramental Theology Course, third-year (Cycle I) students of the ISSR all’Apollinare, together with some students from other schools of the university, followed a lecture on the history of the Holy Mass at the Basilica of St. Clement in Rome. They were led be Prof. Angelo D'Acunto, professor of Liturgical-Sacramental Theology 1. The basilica preserves the liturgical structure of the ancient Papal Mass preceding the 11th century. The students visited the church’s underground, housing the tomb of St. Cyril, the ancient mithraeum, and the domus from the Proto-Imperial period.
A “University Life” event will be held on Wednesday, March 29, 2023 (at 3:15 p.m. in the Academic Senate Hall "Benedict XVI"). Prof. Giuseppe Barzaghi will be giving a seminar entitled “Becoming, Tternity, and Divinity: Contradictions and Solutions.Mercoledì 29 marzo 2023 (ore 15.15 aula Senato Accademico "Benedetto XVI") come evento di Vita Universitaria, si svolgerà un seminario tenuto dal prof. Giuseppe Barzaghi, dal titolo Divenire, eternità e divinità: contraddizioni e soluzioni.
On Thursday, March 9, 2023, the Feast of the University was held in memory of Blessed Álvaro del Portillo, our founder and first Grand Chancellor. There were many participants, including students, professors, staff, and friends of the university. A wind duet welcomed guests as they entered the Aula Magna. The musicians were Gregorio Donoso (a student in the School of Theology) and Benedikt Aicher (a student in the School of Philosophy). After the rector, Luis Navarro, gave his welcome address, a video on the life
A public presentation took place on Wednesday 18 January 2023 (3.30 pm, Aula Álvaro del Portillo) on the occasion of the new edition of Josef Pieper's book, Elogio della filosofia, published by Ares. SPEAKERS Prof. Andrea MONDA Direttore de "L'Osservatore Romano" Prof. Francesco FRONTEROTTA Sapienza Università di Roma  Prof. Antonio PETAGINE Università degli Studi di Roma Tre Prof. Michele ALESSANDRELLI ILIESI-CNR - Pontificia Università dellaSanta Croce Modera Prof. Gennaro LUISE Pontificia Università della Santa Croce   More Information


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