Webinar "Dynamo: a new economic model?"
On 31 May at 13:15 the Markets, Culture and Ethics (MCE) Research Centre hosted the webinar "Dynamo: a new economic model?", third appointment of the webinar series Empowering People. Guests of the event Serena Porcari (Fondazione Dynamo, CEO), Francesco Perrini (Professor of Economy and Business Management at Bocconi University) and Luca Mongelli (MCE Director, IESE Marie Curie Fellow).
The webinar was an opportunity to reflect on how the empowerment action of many social business hybrids is aimed at unlocking the value that the disabled person could express from the point of view of work.
In particular, we talked about Dynamo, the first Recreational Therapy camp in Italy, which hosts free children and young people suffering from serious or chronic diseases and their families. How can activation mechanisms be triggered in cases of extreme fragility? What organizational model can promote an empowerment process by safeguarding the fragile conditions of the people involved? These are some of the questions that have animated our reflection.
The webinar series Empowering People is organized in partnership with the Center for Business in Society from IESE Business School*, Venture Thinking, Humanistic Management and International Humanistic Management Association.
* This project has received funding from the EU's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Sklodowska-Curie Grant agreemnt No. 795925.
We publish the full video of the webinar: