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Aula Magna "Giovanni Paolo II"
Pontifical University of the Holy Cross
Piazza di Sant'Apollinare 49
00186 ROME

Tel: [0039] 0668164.1 (switchboard)
Fax: [0039] 0668164.400

e-mail: convegnocsi [at]

>> link google Maps <<



There will be simultaneous translation in 4 languages: Italian, English, Spanish and French

Official Languages: ltalian, English and Spanish


Registration fee: 275 €
Early bird fee (for those who register and pay by September 1, 2024): 245 €

Registration fee for Alumni Santa Croce: 195 €

For students enrolled in the School of Church Communications, including doctoral students, participation in the conference is free and registration is not required.

There will be no reimbursement

Since the capacity of the Aula Magna is limited, participants will be able to hear the Professional Seminar from the Aula Minor and other designated rooms.




Enrollment is closed​

Enrollment Deadline: December, 15, 2024

Abstract Presentation Deadline: December 9, 2024


Information concerning accommodations in Rome:

file pdf


Organizing Committee

Prof. Marc Carroggio
Prof.ssa Gema Bellido
Prof. Juan Narbona
Dott. Daniele Sebastianelli
Dott.ssa Viviana Spagnuolo

e-mail: click here

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