New edition of the "Joint Diploma on St. Thomas"

Our University is participating again this year in the Joint Diploma on the thought of St. Thomas Aquinas, along with other pontifical universities. The theme for the academic year 2024-2025 is The pulchrum: the attractive face of being: thus, the transcendentals Verum, Bonum, and Pulchrum will be explored in depth.
Enrollment is open from September 16 to November 22, 2024, and can be completed by writing to the following address: segreteria [at]
The University of the Holy Cross will host the session on November 26, 2024, at 3:00 PM, titled Beauty: Metaphysics and Narrative. Federica Bergamino, from the School of Communication, will focus on the narration and communication of beauty, while Daniele Guastini, from "La Sapienza" University, will concentrate on the pulchrum in Franciscan and Thomistic culture and its influence on Dante.