
Thursday, 23rd February

8:45     Registration

9:10     Welcome of Rector

First Session:  What is Nature?

9:15     Il concetto aristotelico di natura tra automovimento e dipendenza
            Enrico BERTI, University of Padova

10:00   Nature as Substantial Form: Aquinas’s Sizeless Stretchable Souls
            Stephen BROCK, Pontifical University of the Santa Croce

10:45    Break

11:15    An Up to Date neo-Aristotelian View of Laws of Nature
             Michel GHINS, Université Catholique de Louvain

12:00    Discussion with Participants

12:45    End of Session

14:15    Papers

Second session: mind and its place in nature

15:15    The Mind’s Capacities and their Measurement
             Tim CRANE, University of Cambridge

16:00    The Nature of Mind: Aquinas's Other Kind of Being
             Thérèse SCARPELLI CORY, University of Notre Dame

16:45    Break

17:15    Aquinas’s Balancing Act: Balancing the Human Mind between the Realms of Matter and Pure Spirit
             Gyula KLIMA, Fordham University

18:00    Discussion with Participants

18:45    End of Session


Friday, 24th February

Third session: Action and Causation

9:15     Aquinas on Causal Powers
            Gloria FROST, University of St. Thomas

10:00   Natura umana e vincoli normativi sull'azione
            Gabriele DE ANNA, Otto-Friedrich-Universität Bamberg and University of Udine

10:45   Break

11:15   Causalità tra dinamismo e vincoli formali
            Gennaro AULETTA, Pontifical Gregorian University

12:00   Discussion with Participants

12:45   End of Session


14:15   Papers

Fourth Session: Realism, fundamental and theoretical entities

15:15   Materiality, Concreteness, and the Metaphysics of Science
            Nicholas J. TEH, University of Notre Dame

16:00   Oggetti e relazioni in meccanica quantistica: sul realismo strutturale ontico
            Matteo MORGANTI, Roma Tre University

16:45   Break

17:15   Oggetto scientifico ed entità reali: quale natura cerca la scienza?
            Rafael A. MARTÍNEZ, Pontifical University of Santa Croce

18:00   Discussion with Participants

18:45   End of Session


Saturday 25 February - Morning

WORKSHOP (by invitation only)

Hylomorphism: Classical and Contemporary Views

Notre Dame Rome Global Gateway (see map)

The Workshop will be in English, without simultaneous translation



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