School of Canon Law

Diritto Canonico

The School of Canon Law strives to prepare canonists with a deep theoretical and practical knowledge of Church law, which helps them develop legal skills with pastoral sensibility, while meeting the practical demands of legal praxis among God's people.

English brochure

Teaching follows a systematic method. It attempts to integrate the many juridical institutions emerging from the study of the Church’s Law within the diverse branches of canonical science. All this, in conformity with the Church’s vision of herself as expressed in the Second Vatican Council.

The program’s realist perspective helps the student to appreciate the dimension of justice that belongs to the salvific goods of the Church even prior to their reception in positive law.  This metaphysical realism offers a much richer viewpoint than the old positivistic outlook, which still influences some currents of canonical thought.  Students learn to seek justice while exercising legal prudence in fidelity to sound ecclesiastical tradition.
The program integrates theoretical study with courses on legal praxis.

The School has a large number of permanent professors as well as many prestigious visiting professors from the Roman Curia and from all over the world.

The School’s research and teaching are enriched by the staff’s experience in various dicasteries of the Holy See and in the Tribunals of the Vicariate of Rome. Close links to and regular academic collaboration with colleagues from other universities of Rome and of other countries also enrich the School, along with the theological research and collaboration of the School of Theology.



In evidenza

On Monday, May 14, 2018, on the initiative of the School of Canon Law, took place the round table for the presentation of the Corso Fondamentale sul Diritto nella Chiesa (Volumes I and II) of prof. Carlos José Errázuriz, published by Giuffre.

Presentazione dei libri del "Corso Fondamentale sul Diritto nella Chiesa"

On Thursday, May 10, 2018, starting at 4 pm in the Aula Magna "Giovanni Paolo II", was held the third edition of the Feast of the University, in the memory of Blessed Álvaro del Portillo, our first Grand Chancellor.

Festa dell'Università nella memoria del Beato Álvaro del Portillo

On Saturday, May 12, at 7 pm in the Basilica of Sant'Eugenio in Rome (VIale delle Belle Arti, 10), the Prelate of Opus Dei will celebrate the Holy Mass in the liturgical memory of Blessed Álvaro del Portillo.

On Monday 12 and Tuesday 13, March 2018 took place the XXII Congress of the School of Canon Law, entitled  Il Diritto all'educazione e il diritto all'insegnamento.

"Il Diritto all’educazione e all’insegnamento", Convegno della Facoltà di Diritto Canonico

Program ı Depliant (pdf)

57% of the university students completed the quality questionnaire (“Evaluation of Courses”) concerning the subjects of the first semester of the academic year 2017-18. In total, 165 courses were evaluated: 91 of Theology, 29 of Philosophy, 26 of Communication, 14 of Canon Law and 5 of the Department of Languages. Courses that did not reach a minimum percentage of responses were not taken into consideration. The number of the filled questionnaires reaches almost 2,400.

In communicating the information, Prof. Rafael Martínez, Academic Vice-Rector, thanked the students for this concrete collaboration, which represent “an important help to contribute to the improvement our teaching activity”.

The questionnaire which is compiled “online” in an anonymous form, consists of ten questions in its current version to which an evaluation ranging from 1 to 5 is reserved.


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