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Diritto Canonico bacheca, esterno, Press Office bacheca, esterno
On Tuesday, June 4, 2024 (3:30 PM, Benedict XVI Hall), OMNES Magazine and the CASE Group active at the Faculty of Canon Law have organized a meeting with the President of the IOR, Jean-Baptiste Douville de Franssu, titled Transparency...
Dipartimento di Lingue bacheca, esterno
On Thursday, May 30, 2024, our Rector Luis Navarro and Dr. Massimo Aureli, the educational director of the Dante Alighieri Society, signed the agreement between the two institutions for the organization and delivery of Intensive Italian Courses for...
Filosofia bacheca, esterno
Volume 9/2023 of Forum, Supplement to Acta Philosophica, has been published. This volume includes some of the most significant presentations from the Conference on the theme "The Concept of Ius in Thomas Aquinas," held in...
Filosofia bacheca, esterno
Tuesday, May 28, 2024 (2:30 PM - 6:30 PM, in the Álvaro del Portillo lecture hall) saw the Kantian Studies Day titled "Anthropology, Schematism, Natural Law, and the Idea of Peace in Kant," on the occasion of the 300th anniversary of the philosopher's birth.
The speakers were Professors Gualtiero Lorini...
Comunicazione Istituzionale bacheca, esterno
A group of 40 students from the School of Social Sciences at Strathmore University, traveling through Europe, visited our University on Thursday, May 23, 2024.
They were welcomed by the Dean of the School of...
News bacheca
On Thursday, June 27, 2024, the ninth episode of the first season was released: "The First Church in the World." You can watch it here....
Teologia bacheca, Filosofia bacheca, Diritto Canonico bacheca, Comunicazione Istituzionale bacheca
Starting from Wednesday, May 22, until July 7, 2024, students from all Faculties can complete the online Course Evaluation Questionnaire for the Second Semester. As always, this is a valuable opportunity to help improve the quality of teaching and education. Go to the...
progetti bacheca, progetti, progetti2 bacheca, progetti
Between May, 20th and 23rd 2024, the research group Footprints. Young people: Expectations, Ideals, Beliefs took part at a Congress organized by the European Academy of Religion at Palermo. The group was there in order to...
Comunicazione Istituzionale bacheca, esterno
On Wednesday, May 22, 2024 (at 11:30 AM, Álvaro del Portillo Hall), in celebration of the annual World Africa Day, the School of Communication and Harambee Africa International have organized a conference titled "The Implications of the Mattei Plan for African Development."
Teologia bacheca, Filosofia bacheca, Diritto Canonico bacheca, Comunicazione Istituzionale bacheca, progetti bacheca
Following the second Call for Projects launched in September 2023 and concluded on January 31, 2024, to gather research proposals related to the academic development of the University, 4 new projects have been selected. A total of 14 proposals were submitted,...
Teologia eventivitauniversitaria, Filosofia eventivitauniversitaria, Diritto Canonico eventivitauniversitaria, Comunicazione Istituzionale eventivitauniversitaria
Thursday, May 16, 2024 (at 2:30 PM, Benedetto XVI Hall), as part of University Life, an event titled "Philosophy of War and Geohistory of Conflict Logics - An Interdisciplinary Journey" has been organized.
Moderated by...
Teologia eventivitauniversitaria, bacheca, Filosofia eventivitauniversitaria, bacheca, Diritto Canonico eventivitauniversitaria, bacheca, Comunicazione Istituzionale eventivitauniversitaria, bacheca
On Wednesday, May 15, 2024, a day dedicated to blood donation was organized as part of University Life activities and in collaboration with Ema-Roma.
On Tuesday, May 7th, 2024, a group of university students, accompanied by the Rector Luis Navarro and the Director of Promotion & Development Álvaro Sanchez-Carpintero, visited the Secretariat of State of the Holy See. They were welcomed by the Substitute, Bishop Edgar Peña Parra.
Teologia bacheca, Filosofia bacheca, Diritto Canonico bacheca, Comunicazione Istituzionale bacheca, ISSRA bacheca
The Grand Chancellor of the Pontifical University of the Holy Cross and Prelate of Opus Dei, Monsignor Fernando Ocáriz, having heard the opinion of the university's governing bodies and the Academic Senate and received confirmation from the Dicastery for Culture and Education, has appointed the new Rector for the quadrennium 2024-2028, the Rev. Prof. Fernando Puig...
Teologia bacheca, esterno, Filosofia bacheca, esterno, Diritto Canonico bacheca, esterno, Comunicazione Istituzionale bacheca, esterno, ISSRA bacheca, esterno
On Friday, May 10th, 2024, the annual University Feast was held in memory of Blessed Álvaro del Portillo, our founder and first Grand Chancellor.
As a special guest, the artist and sculptor...
Teologia bacheca, esterno, Filosofia bacheca, esterno, Diritto Canonico bacheca, esterno, Comunicazione Istituzionale bacheca, esterno
The French Institute, through Campus France, has announced a competition for the awarding of several research scholarships for doctoral students and/or graduates of Pontifical Universities to fund a stay in France (ranging from 1 to 3 months, from August to December 2024)....
ISSRA bacheca
Friday, April 26th, on the occasion of the April 25th holiday, the ISSRA office will be closed
Filosofia bacheca, esterno
Tuesday, May 7th, 2024 (at 3:00 PM, Álvaro del Portillo auditorium), an afternoon study session on The Thought of Positivity took place.
Professor Juan Andrés Mercado moderated the interventions...
Comunicazione Istituzionale bacheca, esterno
On April 18th and 19th, 2024 (at 8:45 am, in the Aula Magna Giovanni Paolo II), the Conference "Tolkien: The Relevance of Myth" was held, organized by the International Study Forum "Poetics & Christianity" of the School of Communication.


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