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progetti bacheca, progetti, progetti2 bacheca, progetti
On 29 February 2024, the results of an international survey on youth, values and religion were presented, promoted by the Footprints Research Group. Young People: Expectations, Ideals, Beliefs of the Pontifical University of the Holy Cross in Rome, together with seven other universities around the...
Biblioteca eventivitauniversitaria
In order to support direct student involvement in university and library activities, two projects have been proposed and implemented with their contribution, which are outlined below. 1. A video aimed at promoting certain library services dedicated to...
Comunicazione Istituzionale bacheca, progetti, progetti bacheca, progetti, progetti2 bacheca, progetti
Interest in spirituality among young people is growing worldwide: this is one of the findings of a survey conducted by the Research Group Footprints Research Group. Young People: Expectations, Ideals, Beliefs...
Diritto Canonico bacheca, esterno
On Thursday, February 29, 2024 (at 4 PM - Álvaro del Portillo Hall), the School of Canon Law has organized a Round Table titled The Duty to Report Crimes of Abuse.
After the introductory remarks by Professor ...
In Rome, a training course promoted by the Pontifical Commission for the Protection of Minors is currently taking place, aimed at bishops, presidents, and directors of Caritas Latin America and the Caribbean on the topic of...
Centro di Formazione Sacerdotale bacheca, esterno
On Thursdays February 22nd and 29th, and March 7th, 2024, (at 3:00 PM, The Great Hall of Pope John Paul II) the Center for Priestly Formation, in collaboration with the Relational Ontology Research Group (ROR),...
progetti bacheca, progetti, progetti1 bacheca, progetti
On Friday, February 23rd, 2024, a work meeting was convened with Andrea Rodríguez Prat, a researcher and the Director of the Institute Cultura y Pensamiento at the Barcelona International University of Catalonia, as the special guest. The primary focus of the meeting was to discuss the improvement of best practices ...
Teologia bacheca, esterno, Istituto di Liturgia bacheca, esterno
On Thursday, February 22, 2024 (at 11:00 am, in the Aula Minor Álvaro del Portillo), the book Liturgicum Mysterium Colendum Semperque Fovendum was presented, a miscellany offered to Professor Manlio Sodi on the occasion of his 80th birthday.
The speakers were His Excellency Monsignor Vittorio Viola...
Comunicazione Istituzionale bacheca, esterno
Communication Talks   "Disarming Language to Liberate Peace"       Testimony of Father Luigi Maccalli, SMA (African Mission Society), kidnapped for two years in Niger by a group of jihadists. Link:
Teologia bacheca, esterno, Istituto di Liturgia bacheca, esterno
On Wednesday, February 21, 2024 (at 8:45 a.m. in the minor hall "Álvaro del Portillo"), upon the initiative of the Institute of Liturgy, the Study Day The Liturgical Reform between History and Theology 60 Years after Inter Oecumenici (1964-2024) was held.
Press Office bacheca
On Wednesday, February 21, 2024 (at 9:30 am, in the Aula Magna Giovanni Paolo II), a new event on communication and migrants took place, titled Migrants and Refugees Between Solidarity and Fear, promoted in collaboration with the ISCOM Association and the Committee on Information...
progetti bacheca, progetti, progetti1 bacheca, progetti, progetti2 bacheca, progetti, progetti3 bacheca, progetti
On January 31, 2024, the deadline for participating in the second Call for Projects, launched last September to welcome interdisciplinary and international research proposals, expired. Fourteen project proposals involving 53 professors from Santa Croce and a significant number of researchers from other universities were received. Each proposal will...
Diritto Canonico bacheca
The School of Canon Law of the Pontifical University of the Holy Cross wishes to remember Professor Gaetano Lo Castro with a Mass for the repose of his soul, on the occasion of his thirtieth anniversary, on February 29th, at 7:00 PM, in the Basilica of Sant'Apollinare (located at Piazza di Sant'Apollinare in Rome). Those who wish to concelebrate are kindly...
Centro di Formazione Sacerdotale bacheca, esterno
Starting from February 15, 2024, begins the 11th edition of the Seminar Trainers Course  on Thursdays from 3:30 PM to 5:15 PM. The course is designed for priest students in Rome who will be providing future service in the training and guidance of...
Comunicazione Istituzionale bacheca, esterno
Communication Talks*   "The Humanity of Corridors"       Speakers: Cesare Giacomo Zucconi, Secretary General Community of Sant'Egidio      Alessandra Trotta, Moderator of the Waldensian Table, Union of Waldensian and Methodist Churches      Riccardo Noury,...
On Wednesday, February 7, 2024, at Casa Santa Marta, a Collaboration Agreement was signed between the Pontifical Commission for the Protection of Minors and our University, in the shared mission of preventing...
ISSRA bacheca
On Saturday, February 10, 2024, at 11:15 a.m., the Holy Mass was celebrated in the Basilica in honor of Mary Queen of Apostles, the Patroness of the Higher Institute of Religious Sciences at the Apollinare.
Professor ...
Alumni bacheca, alumnitestimonianze
Dopo sei anni di missione a Calcutta (India), alla fine del 2023 mi sono trasferito nella Penisola Arabica, nel Vicariato Apostolico dell'Arabia Meridionale, che comprende gli Emirati Arabi Uniti, l'Oman e lo Yemen. La maggior parte dei cattolici in questi Paesi sono stranieri, soprattutto asiatici, ad esempio filippini e indiani. Anche in questi Paesi la libertà religiosa è limitata, ma -...
Teologia bacheca
On February 5, 2024, Pope Francis appointed Reverend Monsignor Graziano Borgonovo as Undersecretary of the Department for Evangelization, Section for Fundamental Issues of Evangelization Worldwide. Monsignor Borgonovo, who is also an appointed professor of Fundamental Moral Theology at our University, previously served as an Official in the Department for the...
Comunicazione Istituzionale bacheca, esterno
Communication Talks "Tolkien: l'attualità del mito" Meeting with Professors Federica Bergamino, Enrique Fuster, Rafael Jiménez Cataño, Paolo Prosperi and John Wauck, Organizing Committee 8th International Conference on Poetics & Christianity*. Wednesday, February 14, 2024 11:30 a.m. - Aula Álvaro del Portillo *...


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