School of Philosophy


Understanding in context, in the heart of Rome

The School of Philosophy promotes contextual mediation between the fields of learning, between different cultures, and between reason and faith. With openness to theology, the School favors the understanding of the metaphysical dimension of truth and of the anthropological and historical, cultural context.

Events 2023-24    Faculty Flyer    Study Plan 2024-25

We offer the foundations for understanding the crucial issues, whether current or perennial, to address the questions posed by scientific discovery and cultural change. The philosophical thought of Saint Thomas Aquinas, read in the light of the encyclical Fides et Ratio, roots our common tradition.

Our teaching style develops capability for critical thought, methodological accuracy, and intellectual responsibility:

  • Systematic and organic formation in the fundamental areas of Philosophy;
  • Direct contact with authors and their great philosophical works;
  • Deepening appreciation for the metaphysical and anthropological dimensions of the classical tradition.

In a context:

  • Of study and collaboration between professors and students: with an individualized tutorial approach and a dedicated teacher to guide each student;
  • With a library among the most complete for the study of Philosophy;
  • Universal, characterized by closeness to the See of Peter;
  • Open to the needs of local Churches, with a diverse community of students coming from the whole world.


In evidenza

On Thursday, May 11, 2017, starting at 4 pm in the Aula Magna "Giovanni Paolo II", was held the second edition of the Feast of the University, in the memory of Blessed Álvaro del Portillo, our first Grand Chancellor.

Festa dell'Università, nella memoria del Beato Álvaro del Portillo

Le dimensioni metafisiche della natura

Dal 23 al 25 febbraio 2017 avrà luogo in Roma il Convegno internazionale di studi “Le dimensioni metafisiche della natura”, organizzato dalle Facoltà di Filosofia della Pontificia Università della Santa Croce (Roma) e della University of Notre Dame (South Bend)...

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From February 2018, the Markets, Culture & Ethics Research Center has organized a course of formation for priests, lay persons and members of religious orders who work for the Church in economic and administrative capacities.

The Program of Church Management consists in two terms, with 4 full time weeks and a total of 296 teaching and training hours.

Curso breve de 8 horas, 20-24 marzo

Prof. Luis Guerrero Martínez, Universidad Iberoamericana, Ciudad de México

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