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Forthcoming Events

On April 12th and 13th, 2024, the expert meeting of the Research Group 'Towards a Theology of Evangelization' took place. The meeting aimed to highlight how mutations in the image of God represent one of the main issues of interest for a theology of evangelization. Presentation by the organizers: In his essay 'Afternoon of Christianity,' Tomas Halík states that "sometimes, people sitting in the same pew in church profess the same creed but have very different ideas of God." It is necessary to examine these "images," starting with those presented to us by Sacred Scripture throughout the historical span of salvation,
On Friday, April 12th, 2024 (at 9:30 a.m., Álvaro del Portillo Auditorium), upon the initiative of the School of Communication and the ISCOM Association, the Study Day was held - valid for the continuous professional development of journalists - on the topic "Information and the other 'powers'."
Among the issues addressed will be political information, freedom of speech and enterprise, the right to report and criticize, and human dignity. For further information
On April 10th and 11th, 2024 (at 8:45 am, in the Aula Magna Giovanni Paolo II), the 28th Study Conference of the School of Canon Law was held on the theme Criminal Justice in the Church: Victim Protection and Defendant Guarantees.
During the conference, truly pivotal themes were addressed, such as the presumption of innocence, the status of the victim in canonical criminal proceedings, and the concept of due process of law applied to the canonical sphere. On the other hand, apparently "peripheral" topics were also studied, including the capacity of the defendant, cognitive biases, the effect of state penal judgments
Tuesday, April 9, 2024, took place an University Orientation Day for university students and 4th and 5th-year high school students, featuring presentations by Prof. Riccardo MANZOTTI from IULM. Digital thought and human thought: an ontological issue?  Morning Session. From Plato to Chat GPT: How to meet the challenge of artificial intelligence? Afternoon Session. FOR UNIVERSITY STUDENTS:  from 9:00 am to 1:00 pm. Presentation of specialized degrees in Philosophy offered by 7 Italian Universities. FOR 4TH AND 5TH-YEAR HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS:  from 3.00 pm to 6:00 pm. Designing the future: career paths and opportunities. Participation in the event allows free
On Tuesday, April 9th, 2024 (at 3 p.m., Benedict XVI Auditorium), the Research Group on Relational Ontology (ROR) organized the Seminar Re-Thinking the Filioque: Post-Modern Quaestio Disputata on an Ecumenical Proposal.
Khaled Anatolios, dean of the School of Theology of the University of Notre Dame, presided and was present, among others, Msgr. Andrea Palmieri, of the Dicastery for Christian Unity. Faced with the ecumenical proposal that the Seminar proposed, various perspectives were illustrated.
On the Official Gazette of the Italian Republic dated March 25, 2024, the Decree with the Table of correspondence between Italian academic titles and those of the Holy See for the purpose of recognizing university-level study cycles and periods in the European region, as provided for by the previous Agreement between Italy and the Holy See of February 13, 2019, was published.
Also this year, our University hosted the boys and girls of UNIV 2024 participating in the international meeting among university students born on the initiative of St. Josemaria Escriva, founder of Opus Dei. Approximately 3000 young people have arrived in Rome to experience a Holy Week filled with training sessions, moments of prayer, opportunities to be together, and to participate alongside Pope Francis in liturgical ceremonies. This year's theme is The Human Factor, with reflections on the technological advancements of Artificial Intelligence prompting questions such as: what is human intelligence? What is human creativity? Or, delving even deeper: what makes us human? The UNIV participants had their academic
On the occasion of the Easter Holidays, both the Palazzo dell'Apollinare and the Library will be closed from March 28th to April 1st, 2024. From April 2nd to April 7th, exams and classes for the ISSR will be held at the Apollinare. Classes for the Faculties will resume on Monday, April 8th. Wishing you a blessed Easter Resurrection!
On March 21, 2024, a new "Santa Croce Incontra" event took place, an internal communication activity aimed at school, students, and administrative staff: initiatives and proposals of the Santa Croce Alumni community were presented, to which all those who have studied at our University belong. Since January 2023, previous "Incontra" events have focused on the ISSR at the Apollinare, the Library, and the Learn Rome project.


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