Specialized Courses

A. Foundations


The Sacramental Economy




Liturgy and Anthropology




Fundamental Liturgy




Ermeneutics and Liturgy




Liturgical Ecclesiology




Theology and Architecture of Liturgical Space




Image and Liturgy



B. Liturgical Celebrations


History and Theology of the Eucharistic anaphoras




The "Missale Romanum": a Liturgical-theological Study




Christian Initiation




The Structure of the Celebration of the Sacrament of Penance in History




History and Theology of the Rites of the Sacrament of Holy Orders




The Sacramentals




The Liturgical Year: Christ’s Mystery in Time




The Liturgy of the Hours


C. History


History of the Roman Liturgy




History and Theology of Liturgical Books




Introduction on Liturgy of Eastern Christianity




Western non-Roman liturgies


The Renewal of Sacramental Theology



History of Liturgical Arts


D. Life


Word of God and Liturgical Mystagogy




Liturgy and Spirituality




Liturgy and Pastoral Ministry




Inculturation, Adaptation and Translation




Liturgy and Canon Law


E. Research


Method and Practice in Liturgical Theology




Liturgical Latin



Readings in Liturgical Theology






Timetable of classes for the Licentiate in Liturgical Theology

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