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The Institute of Liturgy is a center for higher studies dedicated to research and teaching within the Pontifical University of the Holy Cross. Its specific role originates from its distinctive aim: a proposed methodological approach to the mystery of the Liturgy based on a Theology of worship which reflects the meaning of Christian celebration in the life of man and its relevance in the context of a secularized society.

Created in 2009, the Institute of Liturgy aims to promote, coordinate and improve the teaching and research activities in sectors of higher education. The Institute seeks to form liturgical professors in Universities, Seminaries and similar centers (cf. Sacrosanctum Concilium n. 15).  The scope of the Institute extends also to the liturgical formation of all the faithful as well as the continuing education of ministers of the Church.

The course of studies for specialization in Liturgical Theology aims to achieve the following objectives:

1) provide students a solid base for a well-founded comprehension, in the intelligence of the faith, of the Mystery of Christ that the Church proclaims and celebrates in her liturgy;

2) give due priority to deepening theological liturgical celebration, which includes anthropological, historical, and cultural aspects;

3) that students acquire in-depth knowledge of current liturgical books (cf. Sacrosanctum Concilium n. 48), to attain a liturgical theology which reflexively processes the intelligence of the Mystery as celebrated.



On Wednesday, February 21, 2024 (at 8:45 a.m. in the minor hall "Álvaro del Portillo"), upon the initiative of the Institute of Liturgy, the Study Day The Liturgical Reform between History and Theology 60 Years after Inter Oecumenici (1964-2024) was held.

After the greetings from the Dean of the School of Theology, Philip Goyret, interventions were made by Bishop Vittorio Francesco Viola, Secretary of the Dicastery for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments, Sr. Elena Missimi, FMA, of the Pontifical Salesian University, the professor from Santa Croce Fernando López-Arias, the PhD candidate Yoseph Indra Kusuma, and Juan Rego, Director of the Institute of Liturgy.

On Wednesday, February 15, 2023 (9 a.m. – 12:30 p.m., Álvaro del Portillo Lecture Hall) the Institute of Liturgy held a study day, which, this year, was dedicated to Divina Perceptio. Perception and Experience of the Mystery of Christ in the Liturgy.

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Giornata di studio dell'Istituto di Liturgia

On Wednesday, February 24, 2021, on the initiative of the Institute of Liturgy, a Day of Study was held on the theme "Il Mysterium dell'Assemblea. Alle radici di un problema attuale".

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Giornata di studio "Il Mysterium dell'Assemblea. Alle radici di un problema attuale"

On Wednesday, February 19, 2020, on the initiative of the Institute of Liturgy, a Day of Study took place on the theme "Ad pristinam sanctorum patrum normam. A reflection 50 years after the promulgation of the Roman Missal".

Giornata di studio sui 50 anni del Messale romano

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