Optional Courses and Research Seminars

During the second and third year of the License, students must attend some optional courses, until they reach a minimum of 25 ECTS.

Some of these courses are theoretical in nature, others practical; they are taught by professors of the Faculty, by Judges of the Roman Rota and of diocesan tribunals, by Officials of the Roman Curia and by Rota Lawyers; they aim to allow students to acquire the most suitable training for future pastoral tasks (judges, chancellors of the curia, lawyers and defenders of the marital bond, etc.).

At the beginning of the academic year, it will be published the updated list of optional courses activated in the two semesters, as well as any "numerus clausus" established for some of these courses.

The following optional courses are available, some of these will be activated only every two years:

  • Q311 Diritto del procedimento amministrativo (3 ECTS)

  • Q322 I diritti umani: fondamento, formulazione e tutela (3 ECTS)

  • Q341 Ordinamento e prassi della Curia Romana (2 ECTS)

  • Q361 Procedure e prassi relative allo statuto del chierico (3 ECTS)

  • Q371 La perizia psichiatrica nelle cause di nullità matrimoniale (2 ECTS)

  • Q391 Questioni giuridico-canoniche della cura pastorale parrocchiale (3 ECTS)

  • Q421 La responsabilità giuridica dell’Amministrazione ecclesiastica (2 ECTS)

  • Q432 Giurisprudenza della Rota Romana (3 ECTS)

  • Q442 Prassi matrimoniale I (4 ECTS)

  • Q452 Prassi matrimoniale II (4 ECTS)

  • Q463 Prassi sulla procedura matrimoniale (5 ECTS)

  • Q521 Diritto naturale e cultura giuridica europea (2 ECTS)

  • Q561 Utrumque Ius: fondamenti teorici ed espressioni storiche del dualismo cristiano (2 ECTS)

  • Q602 Sistematizzazione del diritto canonico e codificazione contemporanea (3 ECTS)

  • Q623 Movimenti ecclesiali nella Chiesa (3 ECTS)

  • Q631 Governo collegiale. Diritto e prassi (2 ECTS)

  • Q641 Diritto Vaticano. Parte generale (2 ECTS)

  • Q661 La perizia psichiatrica nelle cause penali di abusi (2 ECTS)

  • Q693 La crisi del matrimonio tra giurisdizione civile ed ecclesiastica (3 ECTS)

  • Q722 Dimensione canonica degli Istituti di Vita Consacrata nella Chiesa universale e particolare (2 ECTS)

Upon request, the courses organized by the Dicasteries of the Roman Curia and other Roman Faculties of Canon Law, of which appropriate notice will be given, as well as the courses of the other Faculties of the Pontifical University of the Holy Cross, may also be recognized as optional courses.

Furthermore, during the third year of the License, the student will have to attend the Research Seminar and present a paper at the end of the seminar.


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