Markets, Culture and Ethics Research Centre (MCE)


The Markets, Culture and Ethics Research Centre (MCE) of the Pontifical University of the Holy Cross in Rome, Italy was founded in 2009 to study the ethical dimensions (social and individual) of economic and social life in a systematic and scientific way, in the light of reason and the Catholic faith.

Its purpose is to foster dialogue between faith and contemporary culture for the promotion of a positive transformation of society and global development.

MCE Research Centre’s activities focus on deepening and disseminating Catholic perspectives, through research and academic events, on the relation between ethics, culture and the economy and on the role and conduct of business in society. 

MCE does not align with any particular school of economic thought and is open to all traditions willing to dialogue with Christian anthropology and perspective. At the same time, MCE has an ecumenical and interreligious approach since social problems can only be resolved by a joint effort and in dialogue with contemporary culture regarding the meaning of a more humane economy.



In evidenza

Our Research Centre is glad to announce the first Rome Conference on Forgiveness, held in January, 18, 2018 from 2:00 PM to 6:30 PM at the Pontifical University of the Holy Cross.

The Conference, in collaboration with the International Forgiveness Institute, the Rotarian Action Group for Peace, and the Relational Ontology Research, will concern the Virtue of Forgiveness Formation in Educational Programs to Promote Peace.
The admission is free, to registrate for mail to [at] with name, surname, and institution of provenience by January 10, 2018.
English-Italian interpreting available.


Press Accreditation

MCE Research Seminars are part of an ongoing series of seminars aimed at professors, researchers, and students at the Pontifical University of the Holy Cross. The series hosts lecturers from the PUSC (professors and doctoral students) as well as guests lecturers from other universities in Italy and abroad. The seminars cover a broad range of topics within the lines of research of the MCE Research Centre and typically run one hour, including time for both the presentation and discussion.

On June 21-23, 2018 we are holding the 10th International Conference on Catholic Social Thought and Business Education in conjunction with the 6th Colloquium on Christian Humanism in Business and Society at the University of St. Thomas, Minneapolis, Minnesota. The conference theme is “Building Institutions for the Common Good: the Purpose and Practice of Business in an Inclusive Economy.” 

On Friday June 23, 2017, at the Lateran University, was held the Theological Session of the XIV International Symposium of University Teachers: Integral Human Development. Theology in dialogue with social sciences.
The program included reports and interventions by teachers and researchers from the Research Center of MCE and our University.


More information on Symposium


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