Markets, Culture and Ethics Research Centre (MCE)


The Markets, Culture and Ethics Research Centre (MCE) of the Pontifical University of the Holy Cross in Rome, Italy was founded in 2009 to study the ethical dimensions (social and individual) of economic and social life in a systematic and scientific way, in the light of reason and the Catholic faith.

Its purpose is to foster dialogue between faith and contemporary culture for the promotion of a positive transformation of society and global development.

MCE Research Centre’s activities focus on deepening and disseminating Catholic perspectives, through research and academic events, on the relation between ethics, culture and the economy and on the role and conduct of business in society. 

MCE does not align with any particular school of economic thought and is open to all traditions willing to dialogue with Christian anthropology and perspective. At the same time, MCE has an ecumenical and interreligious approach since social problems can only be resolved by a joint effort and in dialogue with contemporary culture regarding the meaning of a more humane economy.



In evidenza

Karl R. Popper (1902 – 1994) e Thomas S. Khun (1922 – 1996), due tra i più influenti filosofi della scienza del secolo scorso. Due continenti a confronto: anglo-austriaco il primo, statunitense il secondo. Percorsi professionali e di vita diversi, tra aspirazioni musicali, psicologiche e filosofiche, Popper, la carriera da fisico, Khun. I due si trovano impegnati in un dialogo che darà vita ad uno tra i dibattiti più accesi ed interessanti del secolo scorso.

Il 4 Giugno, Luca Mongelli, Executive Director del centro di ricerca Markets, Culture and Ethics (MCE), è stato invitato al TEDxVicenza per parlare di come sia possibile fare impresa con l'obiettivo di creare nuovi spazi di inclusione.

The aim of the seminar series is to present students with a well-rounded perspective on the Scottish Enlightenment's philosophical and epistemological grounds for the method of the "Classical" school of political economy and the vision of economic development that thinkers from Adam Smith to John Stuart Mill presented in the late 18th and early 19th century. This final seminar on David Ricardo and J.S. Mill: Economics, Inequality and the Welfare State will present an overview of the series as well as a more in depth look at the mechanisms of the market as depicted in "classical political economy."

The upcoming MCE Research Centre seminar, Adam Smith and Thomas Malthus: The Wealth and Poverty of Nations, will be held on May 14th at 3:00 PM as a webinar on Zoom. To access the webinar, please click here

The webinar will be a presentation of the basic views of economists Adam Smith and Thomas Malthus regarding economic progress, population growth and poverty. It will be followed by a debate between Michael Severance of the Acton Institute and Mark Hanssen of MCE meant to illuminate how Smith's optimism and Malthus' pessimism regarding capitalism's alleviation of poverty are replicated even today in perspectives on international development, population control and epidemic diseases such as COVID-19, leading to very different approaches to policy. 



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