School of Philosophy


Understanding in context, in the heart of Rome

The School of Philosophy promotes contextual mediation between the fields of learning, between different cultures, and between reason and faith. With openness to theology, the School favors the understanding of the metaphysical dimension of truth and of the anthropological and historical, cultural context.

Events 2023-24    Faculty Flyer    Study Plan 2023-24

We offer the foundations for understanding the crucial issues, whether current or perennial, to address the questions posed by scientific discovery and cultural change. The philosophical thought of Saint Thomas Aquinas, read in the light of the encyclical Fides et Ratio, roots our common tradition.

Our teaching style develops capability for critical thought, methodological accuracy, and intellectual responsibility:

  • Systematic and organic formation in the fundamental areas of Philosophy;
  • Direct contact with authors and their great philosophical works;
  • Deepening appreciation for the metaphysical and anthropological dimensions of the classical tradition.

In a context:

  • Of study and collaboration between professors and students: with an individualized tutorial approach and a dedicated teacher to guide each student;
  • With a library among the most complete for the study of Philosophy;
  • Universal, characterized by closeness to the See of Peter;
  • Open to the needs of local Churches, with a diverse community of students coming from the whole world.


In evidenza

Friday, June 23, 2023 (at 11:30 a.m., in the Aula Magna), the university held the Welcome to... Alumni Santa Croce event for who have finished their studies this academic year.

Following the initial meeting in the Aula Magna, was celebrated a Mass in the Basilica of St. Apollinare, followed by a lunch in the courtyard.

Welcome to... Alumni Santa Croce


This week, the degree examinations of the Baccalaureate and Licensure Courses of the various schools are taking place, as well as ceremonies to bid farewell to the students finishing their studies.

On Thursday, June 15, 2023, the School of Philosophy honored the academic contribution of Prof. Ignacio Yarza, current dean, as he becomes a professor emeritus.

The event was held in Álvaro del Portillo Lecture Hall, at 3:15 p.m., with several faculty members sharing anecdotes about the faculty over the years.


Invitation Card

Atto accademico in onore del prof. Yarza

On Tuesday, May 30, 2023, (4:15 p.m., Álvaro del Portillo Lecture Hall), in light of the publication of the monographic notebook titled "Creativity: artificial, animal and human intelligence" (1/2023), the Acta Philosophica Review – in collaboration with the School of Philosophy and the DISF Research Center – organized an afternoon conference entitled Creativity, Culture, Imagination: At the Heart of the Human.

Rev. Prof. Rafael A. Martínez, director of Acta Philosophica, made the opening remarks.

Prof. Francesco d'Errico, Director of Research, Prof. Pietro Montani, from la Sapienza University of Rome, and Prof. Nicolas Steeves, from the Pontifical Gregorian University, were present.

Prof. Ivan Colagè, Deputy Director of the DISF center, was the moderator.


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